
Ferry County is known for its scenic beauty, fine fishing, hiking, water sports, and uncrowded hunting areas, but it is also has ATV trails that open up the area’s beautiful scenery and view points to off road enthusiasts.
Huckleberry Jeep Trail, 7 miles.
Thompson Ridge Trail #107, 4.6 miles.
Mack Mt. ATV Trail, 8 miles & Twin Sisters Jeep Trail, 6.25 miles.
US Mountain Jeep Trail #76, 3.3 miles.
Full list of maps and trail descriptions can be found at Northeast Washington Trails.
UTV Guide to Republic. Informative PDF mini book. Available via instant download.

Top left: View from top of Fransom Peak of Curlew, & Danville WA, and Canada. Top right: ATVs and off-road vehicles ready for a group ride. Bottom: ATVs taking a break at a reclaimed gold mine. Photos: Ken Muggli

- Make sure your vehicle meets Washington State’s ORV licensing and registration requirements. Visit WA State DOL Licensing for WATV’s for information regarding what is required to certify your ATV to meet Washington State’s licensing requirements.
- Be certain you are carrying and are familiar with trail maps and do not rely on digital map programs that will likely be out of cell range or be totally inaccurate. See Colville National Forest OHV Riding and Camping.
- Check weather forecasts, check dates trails are open.
- Stay on designated trails.
- Be a responsible rider.
- Pack it in and pack it out! Keep the trail clean for the next rider.
- Ride only on trails within your ability. If you are not an experienced rider, stay off advanced trails.
- Remember to ride safely and wear a helmet.
- All water collected from lakes or trails should be treated before drinking.
- Always plan for injuries and abrupt changes in weather by carrying matches, a knife, first aid supplies, food, water, and extra clothes.
- Recommend that you travel in groups.
- Be prepared for fallen trees and close brush.